
Syno Jacob

BSc—All Saint’s College (Chemistry) Certificate—Penn Foster (Business Management) Diploma—Thomson Education (Professional Secretary) Joined ABP—2001. With the program since its inception, Syno is the Executive Secretary for the ABP Director. Email: 4454 2132

Hafsi Jamlaoui

Certificate—Center Sidi Bou Said School (Foreign Language) Certificate—Al Attiya Computer Training (Technology) Joined ABP—2002. Hafsi is the Immigration liaison for the ABP. He handles visa paperwork, expedites resident permits, and assists faculty members in acquiring driving credentials....

Farheen Khanzada

BCom—University of Bombay (Commerce) Diploma—Davar’s College (Special Personal Secretary) Diploma—National Glory Institute of Mngt. Studies (HRM) Joined ABP—2009. Farheen is ABP’s Human Resource Officer and handles all HR & personnel issues. Email: 4454...

Arnold Torres

BSMT—PMI Colleges (Marine Transportation) Joined ABP—2008. Arnold is responsible for the ABP bookstore, handling all orders and distribution. He also assists in the LRC and oversees logistics for assemblies and special events throughout the school year. Email: 4454...

Aisha Al Qadi

Diploma—Al Rayyan High School (Qatar) Joined ABP—2009. Aisha serves as Receptionist here at the ABP. She greets visitors to the facility in-person and by phone. She also coordinates teacher materials and is responsible for receiving internal letters. Email: 4454 2120

Sara Al Hail

Diploma—Raba’a Al Adawiya High School (Qatar) Joined ABP—2011. Sara works directly with the Coordinator of Admissions and Records. She previously worked with the Capital Project department in Qatar Foundation, and later within the English as a Foreign Language Department, at...