News and Events

Latest News and Events

ABP Participation in NAFSA

May 29, 2024

While attending NAFSA, ABP Director, Dr. Saheim Khalaf Al Temimi and QF Higher Education President & Education Advisor, Mr. Francisco Marmolejo join forces with representatives from the University of Arizona to explore new avenues for collaboration.

Congratulations! ABP Class 2024

May 23, 2024

Heartfelt congratulations on the graduation of the Academic Bridge Program Class of 2024! We are proud of your achievements and dedication, and we wish you a bright future filled with success and growth. Congratulations to you all!

ABP Open Day

May 20, 2024

A big thank you to all who joined us for the ABP Open Day! Your presence and energy made the event a success. We hope to see you in our next academic year!

Visit of the Dean of CMU in Qatar to ABP

April 21, 2024

ABP had the privilege of hosting Dr. Michael Trick, Dean of Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar, for “An Inspirational Talk for Academic Bridge students.” His engaging discourse shared valuable experiences and insights, providing encouragement for students to succeed and persevere...

ABP Alumni Gathering at the ABP Ghabga

March 28, 2024

We gathered together for an unforgettable experience at the ABP Ghabga. Thank you to all of our alumni who attended and made this event so special.

‏Congratulations to our Spring 2023-24 Honors List in marking period M3

March 17, 2024

Congratulations to our Spring 2023-24 Honors list in marking period M3. ‏These Students have demonstrated outstanding academic achievement by earning High Honors, Honors and Perfect Attendance last semester. ‏We’re so proud of their hard work and dedication to excellence in...

ABP Female Soccer Team Wins during QNSD

February 14, 2024

The Academic Bridge Program female soccer team secured first place in the National Sports Day League by defeating the American University of Afghanistan team with a score of 3-1. This event was organized by Qatar Foundation Student Life in Education...