Library Research Guides

Try this out!


                                                   Getting Started

Much research can be done online from your school library, or from home. This guide links to high quality resources.  You may wish to begin your research paper or assignment using the online resources in this guide, along with the material from the library.

  • Read your assignment carefully
  • Determine what is being asked in the assignment
  • Are there recommended readings to use?
  • Make a note of the subject, keywords or concepts

For a very broad subject, or if you are unfamiliar with the topic, you may wish to use one or more of these to help define and understand your topic:

  • A dictionary
  • A handbook
  • An encyclopedia
  • A general textbook

Once you narrow down your topic you might use the library catalog for book material.  Books can provide specific information and an overview or history of your topic.
