RG Math and Physics

Mathematics & Physics Subject Guide

This Subject Guide has been created to help you find information resources for Mathematics that will assist with further understanding of math, as well as some resources to aid you when working on homework. If you have questions or need more help, you can visit the Library to speak with the librarian or contact us via phone or email. On this page, you will find resources and websites.

Books & Databases

Introductory Mathematics

My MathLab

was created in spring 2011 to spread mathematical knowledge worldwide. Everything on the site is free to use.

Recommended for PreAlgebra through Algebra 2 and Geometry.

IXL – Math for the Left and Right Brain
Site visitors can complete up to 20 questions each day to brush up on basic math. For unlimited access and use of extra features, paid membership is required.


Algebra Help

Lessons, worksheets, calculators, and more in various high school and basic college level math classes.

Algebra Homework Help

Offers solvers, lessons, and free tutors for pre-algebra, algebra I & II, geometry, and physics.


GeoGebra is a free and multi-platform dynamic mathematics software for all levels of education that joins geometry, algebra and calculus.

Purple Math

Lessons and learning forums in numerous high school, college, and other math categories. While free to use the basic site, they do have a Paid plan, where you have access to the full site for $50/month or $200/year.

S.O.S. Mathematics

Free, online resource for algebra, trigonometry, calculus, differential equations, complex variables, matrices, and mathematical tables.

Calculus & Precalculus

The Calculus Page Problems List

Calculus I Practice Exams and Solutions by Alberto Corso at the University of Kentucky.


CLEP Precalculus
Prepare to take the Precalculus CLEP test and earn real college credit using our lessons on functions, inequalities, factoring, trigonometry and more.

Topics in Precalculus Sparknotes XtraMath

Provides rewarding supplemental math activities and makes them available for free. Students complete practice activities that are recorded and shared with teachers and parents. Teachers can create classroom accounts in which each child has his or her own log-in credentials. Parents can also be given log-in credentials to see how their children are progressing.

Khan Academy Math


American Institute of Physics 
Includes Physics News Update and other resources.

arXiv.org e-Print Archive
Open access archive of journal articles in physics and other scientific disciplines from the Cornell University Library.

National Science Digital Library
NSDL is a digital library of resource collections and services for science, technology, engineering and mathematics education at all levels.

NIST Physics Portal 
Reference information, research publications and news from the National Institute of Standards and Technology.

Khan Academy:  Physics
Among the thousands of educational videos in the Khan Academy are videos dealing with introductory physics topics like circuits, fluids, magnetism, projectile motion, Newton’s laws of motion, and thermodynamics.  There is also a Cosmology and Astronomy section.
