Computer Skills

Computer Skills

CM 011
Essential Computer
Applications 1
Essential Computer Applications 1 is designed for students with little prior exposure to Microsoft Office products and computers in general. Students learn fundamental skills in computers and research while in an English-speaking environment. Students also have time prepare essential documents for university applications.
CM 012
Intermediate Computer Applications 1
Intermediate Computer Applications 1 is designed for students with limited exposure to Microsoft products and computers in general. Students build on the fundamental skills they have and learn more advanced skills and methods in using Microsoft Office products and research skills in an English speaking environment. Students also have time prepare essential documents for university application.
CM 032
Advanced Computer Applications 1
Advanced Computer Applications 1 is designed for students with considerable prior knowledge in Microsoft Office and computers in general. Students reinforce their existing skills and knowledge and learn advanced skills across all the Microsoft Office software in an English-speaking environment. Students also have time prepare essential documents for university application.
CM 021
Essential Computer Applications 2
Essential Computer Applications 2 teaches different Microsoft products. The course culminates in a capstone projects using research skills and skills developed using all software covered.
CM 022
Intermediate Computer Applications 2
Intermediate Computer Applications teaches different Microsoft products. The course culminates in a capstone projects using research skills and skills developed using all software covered.
CM 032
Advanced Computer Applications 2
Advanced Computer Applications 2 teaches different Microsoft products. The course culminates in a capstone projects using research skills and skills developed using all software covered.
CM 033
Robotics teaches problem solving, critical thinking, and teamwork through the fundamentals of robotics. Students learn the fundamentals of robotics and engineering principles and design and build a robot to perform specific tasks. The purpose of the course is to improve the critical thinking abilities of the students through hands-on experience.